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Groovecollector.com is the Music Guide dedicated to Groovy Music. Anyone can participate and build the database to share his passion for these sounds.
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Music guide is :
11729 releases
6628 artists
3509 labels
Some rare Modern Soul singles Vol 1. (1975-1985)
... all focus
Momo Big Cheese Records
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Stone Groove Dj's
With Boogaloo & Lotari, Sou ...
Rythm n Groove
Rythm n Groove, webradio mu ...
Obscure 60s & 70s Prog, Psy ...
Dj Aeon Seven
Well known in Battle breaks ...
Mara Records
Brazilian Music Specialists ...
Sausage Records
New record French label on ...
Victor Kiswell
Seller of rare records for ...
Jet Records
A large choice in all music ...
Record Store Italy
Recordstore.it is one of th ...
La Favela Chic
Great Club in Paris & Londo ...
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